Friday, September 30, 2022

Music Video Of the Week - September 30, 2022

"Burlesque" by Family  (Got to the link in the upper-right-hand corner.)


Walt Franklin said...

Steve, Thanks for the lively update from 2010. I first heard "Burlesque" almost 50 years ago, and just yesterday, while mowing my lawn, I found myself rolling & tumbling with the lyrics again. That album & its contents never quits. As for your article on Hurricane Ian, I agree-- it's time for an exodus of Florida & a time to let nature recover there (wishful thinking but, really, playtime is over).

Steve said...

Thanks for all of the feedback, Walt! :-) I still think Bandstand is just a step behind Fearless, and yes, I also continue to think that "Top Of the Hill" takes too long to reach the top of the hill. One other thing about "Burlesque" - Chapman flubbed the lyric "Gonna boogie my night owl away," and my guess is that Chapman, Whitney and George Chkiantz liked how it sounded and so kept it in.

Yes, Florida needs to go back to being a sleepy winter-vacation backwater. One Family connection - St. Petersburg was the site of Family's last American concert (November 26, 1972).

Walt Franklin said...

Yes! I like all of Family, but Fearless is my desert-island choice. A masterpiece.

Steve said...

Agreed on Fearless!