Monday, September 5, 2022

A Rap About Music

A friend of mine posted a link to this article from the Web site Intellectual Takeout, dated August 16, 2018 (the day Aretha Franklin died), on her Facebook account, which explains that the decline of music education in our schools led to the decline of musical literacy,  One of her friends, a man I don't know whom I will refer to by his Cyrillic initials - ДФ - dismissed the article as elitist and the author, Jon Henschen, as someone intolerant of the music this generation is producing.  I told  ДФ that I agreed with the gist of Henschen's article, dismissing today's music - including rap - as noise.
Then ДФ called me a racist for dismissing a musical form created primarily by racial and ethnic minorities.
ДФ is one of those people I can't stand - a PC thought policeman who cannot tolerate opinions that don't conform with his "enlightened" world view and will not allow anyone to express said opinions because they must be based on bigotry and cultural bias, not empirical evidence and taste.  ДФ is one of those people who feels a need to stand up for rap because blacks invented it and because you don't like it, he thinks you must like Lawrence Welk or Pat Boone.  ДФ even compared calling rap "non-music" to those who dismissed jazz a hundred years ago.
Once again, I have to say . . .

You know, the Republic can take one Renée Graham.  But this country has hundreds of thousands of them.

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