Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Pivot Pool

It's the new game being played by Washington Democrats - a game more consequential than Russian roulette. 

President Biden's - and the Democrats' - fortunes in November and beyond hinge on where the pivot cue is going to aim next.  And the cue ball is out of control once the cue goes off.  

Things look pretty good or the party and the President right now.  The bill designed to fund medical care for service personnel in the Iraq War made sick with cancer by burn pits in the front lines just passed the Senate, and the CIA just took out Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's leader and Osama bin Laden's one-time second-in-command, in Kabul - and I don't mean to dinner.  And while all this happens, gasoline prices are slowly inching down.

But right now, things could go either way.  All signs point to a recession, though we're not quite in one just yet.  U.S. Senator Krysten Simena of Arizona still isn't on board with the bill designed to lower prescription drug prices, reduce climate change, and cut inflation - once again reminding Democrats of how they cold have avoided this by winning at least one or two of the three Senate seats Republicans held in Iowa, Maine and North Carolina in 2020.   New York State has declared a state of emergency over monkeypox - 95 percent of the state's cases are in New York City - when the nation still hasn't licked COVID yet.  And, President Biden now has symptoms from his COVID rebound.  (He didn't rebound, his COVID infection did.)  And if the worst happens, we could see . . . President Kamala Harris?

That'll be a boon for Donald Trump's comeback.
The bottom line is, everything could keep going well for the Democrats and at least minimize midterm election losses or everything could unravel again and help election deniers sweep everything in November. 😱

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