Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ceylon Warriors

The people of Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, finally had enough of their country going  through severe inflation, periodic power outages, fuel shortages, and an economy that just doesn't work for anyone.  Except for the ruling elites, of course, which is why the president and the prime minister were forced out of office and why ordinary Sri Lankans were able to overrun the presidential palace, loot the place, and just take some time out to enjoy themselves while in the lap of luxury.

Everybody into the pool! Come on in, the water's fine!

That goes to show you what can happen when people are ticked off enough at their government.

Given the ongoing hatred for the president of These States in These States (an "IMPEACH BIDEN" sign proudly sits in front of a house near where I live), I wonder if the Oath Keepers have it in them to storm the White House and enjoy the tennis courts.  Nah - Oath Keepers are too vulgar for tennis.

The master race, indeed.

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