Saturday, June 4, 2022

Going Platinum

 All hail the Queen?

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating her Platinum Jubilee, seventy years on the throne.  Can you imagine that?  Golly, Her Majesty must have seen a lot of changes during her reign.  I mean, when she ascended to the British throne in 1952, rock and roll didn't exist, and today . . . 

Okay, bad example! 😠

The queen is the leader of her country and a symbol of  unity.  She tends to affairs of the state while the prime minister runs the government.  This allows her to stay above politics while the Cabinet and the House of Commons take all of the flak for whatever goes wrong.  Fourteen prime ministers have come and gone in the past seven decades, and the Tories and Labour have had their difficulties with themselves and each other, but the United Kingdom remains united because, well, they all love the queen.  They love her in Canada and Australia, too, where she remains the head of state.

And in America, all we have is a President who can't unify the country because half of the population hates him.

This is really embarrassing . . .. 😩   

We simply don't have anything to celebrate here.

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