Saturday, May 14, 2022

One Million

That's how many people have died of COVID in the United States so far.

And it likely isn't over yet.  That wave predicted for the end of the year I mentioned a few days ago?  It's more like a tsunami - a possible one hundred million infections in the late fall and the winter.  And apparently, the only way to prevent it is to have more federal funding to fight the disease.

Except that the Republicans in the Senate won't allow any more COVID funding until President Biden rescinds Title 42 and blocks immigrants from coming over the border, or at least let the Senate vote on the issue.  But even if Charles Schumer allowed such a vote at the risk of Democrats joining the Republican caucus in supporting Title 42 and producing an pro-Title 42 majority, the chances of getting COVID funding passed after that are still slim because a handful of Republicans think we've given enough COVID money to state and local governments.

And even if it could pass, Rand Paul will probably block it.  

It looked like we might get a warm-weather reprieve in the meantime but with cases going back up in this country, the light at the end of the tunnel has once again turned out to be an oncoming train.

Let it run over all of us. 😠

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