Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Two Ukraines?

Vladimir Putin, realizing that the war un Ukraine that he started is now going badly (very badly), says that he considers the first phase operations to be a success, and now he's concentrating on what he really wants - two independent states in the eastern separatist region.

So, naturally, he attacked Lviv, which is in the western part of the country,  with missiles.

Now Putin is talking about partitioning Ukraine into two countries, a western republic that could join the European Union and an eastern Republic aligned with Russia.

Yeah, how did that plan work out for Germany?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is hoping to talk directly with Putin, but he has vowed not to cede one square centimeter of territory to the Russians.  Good for him.

And yes, Joe Biden is right, Putin does have to go! Time for another Russian revolution! 

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