Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Correction and Clarification: January 11, 2022

In my piece "Desperately Blaming Susan", in which I made fun of Hillary Clinton supporters for suggesting that Susan Sarandon is to blame for the large conservative majority on the Supreme Court by encouraging people to vote for Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party for President in 2016 and inadvertently give the Electoral College to Donald Trump, thus dooming abortion rights, I pointed out that the 111th Congress could have codified Roe v. Wade because it "had a Democratic House and a Democratic veto-proof majority in the Senate." I neglected to mention that the 111th Congress was the Congress that met in 2009 and 2010, the first half of Barack Obama's first presidential term, who wouldn't have vetoed such a bill . . . and while that Senate majority was filibuster-proof - at least until February 2010, when Ted Kennedy's seat went Republican - it was not veto-proof.  A veto-proof majority would have been more than the sixty Senate seats the Democrats held through February 2010. 
The unclear wording, which I regret, has been fixed.  Sorry. 

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