Tuesday, December 28, 2021

One-Purpose Vaccine

Not too many people seem to be aware of this, but a new COVID vaccine may be coming soon.

Dr. Kayvon Modjarrad (above), director of the infectious diseases branch at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, Maryland, has been working on a vaccine that is effective against SARS CoV-2 and all of its Greek-lettered offshoots, including, it appears, Omicron. Dr. Modjarrad, who was profiled on CBS's "60 Minutes" when he began work on the vaccine in 2020, calls it the Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle, or SpFN, vaccine, which he says is meant to be "a 'pan-coronavirus' vaccine technology that could potentially offer safe, effective and durable protection against multiple coronavirus strains and species."

I'm not going to get into the science of the vaccine, since I'm no epidemiologist, but I can say that the SpFN vaccine began its first human test phase this past April and was just recently completed with very positive results.  Dr. Modjarrad is very enthusiastic about the many qualities of the vaccine that can neutralize any SARS-related virus, including Omicron, against which lab studies show extremely great promise.

It's too bad virtually no one knows about it.

The mainstream media have largely ignored this story, possibly due to a distrust of anything that comes out of the military.  "60 Minutes" hasn't even offered a brief update to this story.  When I tune into MSNBC, I expect to hear a mention of Dr. Modjarrad's vaccine but instead get Laurie Garrett predicting doomsday while wearing her "scared" face.  And all CNN can offer is either Dr. Leana Wen bitching about what the Biden administration should have done or isn't doing right or more stock footage of Dr. Fauci promising more tests - not of a new vaccine but for COVID.  (Test results are the only "positive" COVID news the media are concerned with right now.)  This new vaccine is great news - why aren't the mainstream media reporting this?

Maybe because of the not-so-good-news beneath the surface.  Two more test phases have to be undertaken, and at the rate of the first one, it might take until May 2023 before all three phases are done.  Also, Dr. Modjarrad needs subjects who either haven't caught COVID or haven't been vaccinated - a population that Omicron is fast rendering nonexistent. 

Any good news is good news I can take, and I'll take this.  I wish that more news sources would look into this story.  I just hope it doesn't turn into the twenty-first century equivalent of "cold fusion in a bottle."
You can check out the story on the SpFN vaccine here.   

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