Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ninety Days In the Hole

I'm hibernating for the winter.

I m staying home for as much as I can this coming winter, and, with few exceptions,  I'm not coming out until spring. 

It's all because of Omicron, a COVID mutation so fierce it forced the cancellation of the Rockettes' Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. 

It; also because, even as breakthrough infections are becoming par for the course with Omicron, the symptoms. contrary to popular wisdom, are not less severe than the symptoms from the very severe Delta strain.  Or so say scientists in a recently published paper out of England (a place I will never, ever see).

Thanks to not enough people getting vaccinated and thanks to not enough effort to vaccinate the Third World, this pandemic will continue indefinitely.  Or, at least through winter.  One epidemiologist is predicting a "viral blizzard" for winter.  This is in tandem with the possibility of a literal blizzard.  Then we'll all have to stay home.

Dr. Anthony Fauci (above) says that we can still overcome COVID and end the pandemic and that we can't give it up.  Me, despite having been vaccinated and boosted, I've given up already.  But only because everyone else has.  

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