Thursday, June 17, 2021

Trump: The Speaker

The Republicans have just come up with another diabolical scheme to help Trump regain power and turn America into a right-wing dictatorship (and possibly convert the Oath Keepers into Trump's secret police). 

The plan is for the Republicans to take back the House of Representatives in 2022, then, in January 2023, elect Trump Speaker of the House.  From that position, the plan goes ,he's not only two heartbeats away from the Presidency, he has the ability to push forward impeachment proceedings against President Biden and, if not have him removed by the Senate, at least rough him up for 2024 to facilitate Trump's comeback.
"But wait, Steve," you say, "how can he get elected to the House of Representatives when Lois Frankel, a popular Democratic congresswoman representing Trump's adopted hometown of Palm Beach, Florida, is a shoo-in for re-election?"  Well, that's the gag.  Just as any male Catholic, whether he's in the priesthood or not, can be elected Pope (except me, because I never had my conformation) any native-born American age 25 or over can be elected Speaker of the House without actually being a House member.   Trump made history in 2016 by being the first person who never served in either government or the military elected President of the United States; he could make history again as the first sitting Speaker elected President of the United States.  (James K. Polk is the only U.S. President to ever have served as Speaker of the House.)
I can imagine Nancy Pelosi biting her fingernails right now.  Believe me, she's not the only one.

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