Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The New Prime Minister of Israel

Israel's new prime minister, Naftali Bennett, is a right-wing nut who has a problem with the very idea of a Palestinian state and even the very idea of Palestine.  He's leading a coalition of far-right, far-left, moderate and Arab parties sustained by one vote in the Israeli parliament.
He has his work cut out for him in getting things in Israel moving again after two years of political paralysis.   No one in his coalition agrees with each other about anything.  But there is ample reason for hope that Israel can gets its act together, for one reason: Benjamin Netanyahu is gone.
And hopefully, he, like Trump in the U.S., can be prosecuted and imprisoned for corruption charges before he has a chance to regain power. 
And the very fact that he can come back should keep this coalition in power for awhile. 

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