Thursday, June 10, 2021

Terry Two

Well, this is interesting . . . 

Former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe won the Virginia gubernatorial primary to run for a second term. McAuliffe, whose last term expired in January 2018, could not run for a second consecutive term in the previous gubernatorial election because the Virginia state constitution bars incumbent governors from running for re-election.  McAuliffe defeated two female opponents, both named Jennifer.  He got more votes than both Jennifers combined.

Meanwhile, Grosvenor Phil Murphy of New Jersey was nominated to run  for a second consecutive term, promising that the state will move forward, not backward - something McAuliffe can't promise because he's been there and done that already.  Will Virginia voters want someone else?  Or will they vote for McAuliffe again, which probably would have happened in the 2017 gubernatorial election had he been able to run for re-election?  We'll find out this November.

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