Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Okay, Kamala Harris is Joe Biden's running mate.  It was less of a surprise than I thought it would be, because she looks great on paper.
So do I have a problem, guys, with the choice?  Not really.  She makes sense politically, and despite her dust-ups with Biden in the 2020 campaign primary debates, she gets along with him, and there are no hard feelings against her on Biden's part.  She has a distinguished record as a California Attorney General and as a United States Senator, and she not only brings racial and gender balance to the ticket but geographical balance as well; she is now the first Democratic nominee for national office from a Western state.
Since she was always the obvious choice for Vice President, the choice, now that it's been made, seems rather anticlimactic.  As for me, it's gotten to the point where I don't care anymore.  The stress of the pandemic has worn me down, I feel exhausted, and I'm just glad this VP drama is over.  Now I don't care what happens between now and November, as long as it leads to the defeat of Donald Trump.
Carry on.

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