Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Hiatus Announcement

This should come as no surprise, since I'm in the path of Tropical Storm Isaias (which fortunately got demoted from Category 1 hurricane status), but I am putting my blog on hiatus for a few days.  Even if I don't lose power, I won't likely be back until next week because, quite frankly, I'm emotionally exhausted by everything that's happened in the past five months and everything that could happen in the coming - dare I say it? - year.  (That is, through next August.)
I had actually worried about a hurricane hitting this area in the fall, and given the prediction from the almanacs and the overactive Atlantic hurricane season, and that could actually still happen.  But I didn't anticipate a storm like this coming so soon in the year.  Perhaps the best thing about Isaias, apart from the fact that it's not a major hurricane, is that it will be out of here sooner than expected.  Forecasts now predict that it will be out of the Greater New York City area by five o'clock this afternoon and we could actually have some sunny skies around dinnertime.  Will my power stay on?  I don't know, but it's 50-50 right now.  This storm is not unlike Irene in 2011, and my household got through that without a scratch.  Some of my neighbors weren't so lucky, as trees of theirs that were standing the week before Irene were horizontal the day after.
My Music Video of the Week feature will still publish automatically in case of a power outage; I'm moving the videos to posts on the main page rather than changing them on the separate Music Video Of the Week page.  If I have power as of Friday, August 7, my Music Video Of the Week page will be reactivated.  Whatever happens, I hope to be back soon, as in this coming Monday. Wish me luck.    

1 comment:

Steve said...

UPDATE: My Music Video Of the Week page has been restored. A new video will appear there this Friday.