Monday, August 10, 2020

Can You Believe It?

While Kanye West continues his campaign for President with the help of Republicans who believe he could win enough popular votes to deprive Joe Biden of an electoral majority, Russian operatives are spreading rumors of a Biden connection to corruption in Ukraine with the help of Republicans who believe that they can launder the information from Russia to start an investigation of the innuendo.   Republicans believe they can also help Trump by aiding in trying to discourage or just plain stop mail-in voting even as they believe they can discredit Biden's eventual pick for Vice President.  If Biden picks Susan Rice, they believe they can tire her to Benghazi.  If he picks Kamala Harris, they believe they can play up her obsession with identity politics to fire up voters tired of all that.  If he picks California congresswoman Karen Bass, they believe they can use her past support for Cuba against her.
Is there anything the Republicans don't believe?  Yes.  They don't believe in helping the Democrats pass an economic relief package through Congress in the wake of a pandemic.  But Trump believes he can assume the role of Congress by extending unemployment benefits and providing tax relief all all by himself.  He's wrong.  He also believes this will help him in the election.  And he may be right.
Also, Trump attacked Joe Biden's belief in God.
I don't believe any of this!
I also can't believe I summed the past week's news in one short post!

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