Monday, July 6, 2020

Kanye For WHAT?????

Joe Biden has survived numerous threats to his candidacy, such as a perception of slowness, gaffes, Tara Reade, the Sanders campaign, Sanders supporters who literally hate him, and bad video connections out of his basement.  He's even dodged bullets in the form of two possible third-party presidential candidates, Justin Amash and Jesse Ventura, who looked at running but didn't.  At this rate, with Trump floundering, there looked like little chance that Biden could lose.
Then this clown threw his hat into the ring!
Kanye West made good on his threat from the 2015 MTV Video Awards to run for President in 2020, which, of course, may draw away the young voters, the black voters, and the young and black voters that Biden needs to win - which will help Trump win another term.  West's friend Elon Musk as already promised West his full support!
And I'm sure Trump will, too.
I would very much like to believe that West is merely being the Pat Paulsen of 2020, or running a joke pop-star presidential campaign like rock star Joe Walsh used to do, and not making a serious run but only doing it to keep his name in the papers and promote his numerous ventures.  I would also very much like to believe in the Tooth Fairy.  Because he sounds dead serious about this, and that's primarily because he's freakin' nuts.  For one thing, he thinks rap is music.  Also, he thinks an autotuner is an instrument.  And, he thinks he's a genius.
The only comfort I get is that many black commentators, including Zerlina Maxwell, say that most blacks, even younger ones, don't take Kanye seriously these days and prefer not to give him any attention, mainly because he's been a Trump backer in the past, so those of use terrified by West being a spoiler should just hill out.  But then he also has the backing of Elon Musk, whom I just lost all respect for and who has encouraged me to buy an electric car other than a Tesla if I get the opportunity.
Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

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