Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Trump At a Church?

How did this happen?
How did Donald Trump, after threatening to use military force to put down demonstrators protesting the murder of George Floyd, get to walk across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church so he could hold up a Bible for a blasphemous photo-op?  Especially after peaceful demonstrators were forcibly cleared out of the idea so he could do it?  Who let this happen? 
Apparently, Attorney General William Barr did.
I can't say any more than that . . . a pandemic, a dictator President, police killings, and now a huge  cluster of thunderstorms headed for my area strong enough enough to give us our fifty-ninth power outage.  (We had two momentary outages in May, ending any hope of an outage-free year yet again.)
I'm too worn out to go on right now . . .

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