Thursday, April 2, 2020

Turn Off Trump

Donald Trump uses these daily press briefings with his coronavirus task force to spin, bloviate, obfuscate, and just plain lie about the job he's doing to combat a pandemic he once said was a hoax.  And as his improved poll numbers indicate, he's been getting away with it!
The TV news networks do not have an obligation to carry his briefings just because he occupies the White House.  Fox News can carry his briefings live it it wants to, but CNN, MSNBC, and the broadcast network news divisions should not!  CNN and MSNBC have been showing only part of Trump's briefings now, mostly the parts without Trump. They should go even farther than that and not show them at all.  They're such utter travesties that I can't bear them anymore. I call on all responsible broadcasters, be they radio, television, or Internet, to stop carrying these propaganda exercises immediately! And so do I lot of people I know.  Let's turn off Trump! >:-(   

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