Saturday, February 8, 2020

I'm Back In the Saddle

See this?

It's a Sony digital recorder not unlike the one I have.  I got new batteries for it.
Because I'm a reporter again.
I am now writing for another hyperlocal news site, covering the same town (Montclair, New Jersey) that I covered before May 2019.  It took a little persistence after losing the job I had until October 2019, but it paid off . . . just when I thought I would have to give up and work in some dead-end job for the forseeable future.
My post from December 2019 announcing the end of my reporting career was obviously premature, and somewhat petulant; I'm only glad I was wrong.  I'm happy to be back at what I love doing.
I'm not going to say any more than that, because, as a reporter, I wear a different hat from the one I wear here.   I have to keep those identities separate.  I'm just glad I have the ability to do that.
If you follow me on Facebook, you can see links to my articles there.  Thanks to everyone who supported me in the difficult time that my reporting career lay fallow.

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