Thursday, February 6, 2020

Democrats Hit Rock Bottom

Nancy Pelosi ripped apart Trump's State of the Union speech the other night because it was full of lies and distortions. Not that it mattered. The speech was a spectacular success, which only forces us to look at the spectacle that is the Democratic Party declining and falling like the Roman Coliseum because they still haven't figured out how to take on Trump.
The Democrats had Trump on the run only a week ago, but now he has been acquitted of high crimes and misdemeanors by the Senate, his approval rating is at its highest in his term, and yet the Democratic Party keeps blowing it.  They still, even after a caucus in Iowa, can't figure out whom to nominate for President.  Not that it matters.  People are ready to shrug off impeachment and the mere fact that Trump is a two-faced liar and give him another term to reward him for the economy, which has benefited Wall Street more than Main Street.
And Trump gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbuagh.
This was infinitely worse than inducting Madonna into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  I suppose now that, if the Democrats ever regain the White House (yeah, right!), Nicki Minaj will get a Kennedy Center honor?
Democrats may be infuriated, but they have little opportunity to channel their anger and no recourse for channeling it into anything constructive .  They have all of these internecine fights over the direction of the party instead of talking to the voters about health care, transportation, climate - things that matter.  Relevance, of course is something the Democrats haven't had a sense of for the past four decades.   
Of course, this is only one bad week for the Democrats, and maybe they'll get their groove after New Hampshire.  Note that I didn't see they will get their groove "back," since one cannot regain what one never had. >:-(
I'm just glad I have a passport. 

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