Saturday, January 25, 2020

Impeachment? PAH!

The House impeachment managers have done a very effective job in outlining the case for removing Donald J. Trump from the Presidency.  But who cares?
Look, we know the Senate isn't going to remove Trump from office.  We also know that conviction and removal won't even get a bare majority of 51 votes, though 67 are needed to convict. Not only are Republican senators likely to support blocking further evidence, so are Republican voters.  The impeachment managers have been reduced to showing video clips of past House testimony and past media interviews in lieu of real documents, and despite their strong, forceful prosecution, they might as well have made things up as they went, for all the good it's done them.  (The defense begins its arguments today.)  Republican senators inclined to support Trump - that is,. all of them - are mostly likely passing the time playing cat's cradle, drawing pictures of cowboys, or maybe clipping their toenails.
Adam Schiff and his crew are fighting the good fight, and their arguments might persuade the American people to put Trump at a disadvantage in November.  But if they think they are going to bother the conscience of at least one Republican senator - even Susan Collins - they are sadly mistaken.
Wake me when it's over.  Normally I love watching a comedy where  I know the ending, but . . .  

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