Okay, I'm going to be brief on the issues of abortion and immigration. The Alabama abortion law (that's right, the governor of Alabama, a woman, signed it) that criminalizes all abortions except to save the mother's life is either the dumbest political move or the brightest one. Republicans in other states are running away from this law, saying it's too extreme and doesn't offer exceptions for rape or incest (yeah, just like the 1984 Republican platform), but they must know full well that this could bring out the evangelical vote in 2020 and possibly consign the Democrats to Whig-like extinction with a GOP victory all over the political spectrum. But it could also galvanize abortion-rights supporters into pushing back by coming out in droves to vote Democratic. I have a feeling that the latter scenario won't happen. (Remember the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision?)
And immigration? Trump's new bill, conceived in large part by Jared Kushner, wants to bring more immigrants with skills at the expense of family reunification but does noting about the DACA immigrant children. Republicans have dismissed this bill for letting in more legal immigrants while Democrats find the bill to be condescending toward unskilled laborers and families. Since this plan satisfies no one, it's not going to help Trump soften his xenophobic image. Especially when he's telling migrants who are already here not to get to comfortable here.
Because of these two toxic issues, neither he nor House Speaker Nancy Pelosi can get too comfortable in their respective positions either. For 2020, all bets are off.
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