Saturday, November 3, 2018

This He Believes

Two years from today is the next presidential election, the day we get a chance to throw Donald Trump out of office.  And even though Martin O'Malley hasn't said he will run for President again, he is beginning to act like a candidate for the office.
The former governor of Maryland has launched a series of videos on his YouTube channel, the series called "This We Believe," which features videos of O'Malley explaining in clear, concise terms what he stands for and what the Democratic Party should stand for.  He's doing a pretty good job of enunciating his policy positions, but his presentation seems to be a little flat.  One fellow O'Malley supporter I befriended on Facebook says that they play like corporate training videos from the eighties ("Quality") and have the same bland background music, and I have to agree to some extent.  Though I would suggest that those corporate training videos from the eighties had better music.  Bear in mind that the biggest complaint about O'Malley is that he's Kennedyesque without the Kennedy part.  He's just . . . esque.
Be that as it may, it's still very early, and O'Malley is only getting started in his efforts to (re)introduce himself to a Hillary-smitten Democratic electorate that couldn't be bothered to get to know him in 2016.  He has time to improve his messaging.  A thousand-mile journey (or a thousand-kilometer journey, in case the next Democratic President makes Lincoln Chafee Secretary of Commerce and allows him to pursue his cherished goal of making the metric system official) begins with one step, and this step on YouTube is O'Malley's start of a journey that will get him elected President of the United States two years from today.  This, I believe.
To access Martin O'Malley's YouTube channel, click here.      

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