Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ten Reasons Not to Sentimentally Eulogize Margaret Thatcher

The British Prime Minister instituted cash limits on public spending in the U.K., and she cut spending on on social services such as education and housing.
She had a callous disregard for the Irish Republican Army political prisoners who went on hunger strikes for better prison conditions and renewed political prisoner status.
She broke the miners' union in Britain by refusing to negotiate with the miners after they went on strike, and closed several coal mines.
She really, really liked Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
She ended milk subsidies for schoolchildren.
She tried replacing tax rates based on a home's rental value with a poll tax that made everyone pay the same amount.  For those who had less money in the bank to begin with, it was obviously not popular. (John Major, her successor as Prime Minister, got rid of the poll tax in 1994.)
She privatized telecommunications and energy utilities - the very industries that ought to remain public, what with everyone having to use the same services and all.
She opposed economic sanctions against the apartheid government in South Africa.
She supported the murderous Cambodian Khmer Rouge holding that country's United Nations seat after the Khmer Rouge was ousted from power in Cambodia by the Vietnamese.
She reportedly feared non-white immigrants "swamping" Britain and, despite being Britain's first female prime minister, she didn't do much to advance the cause of women in the U.K.
Which only goes to show you . . . there's no difference between a male snake and a female snake.  They bite just the same.

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