Tuesday, March 26, 2013

All This Talk . . .

You hear a lot of talk these days and you don't see much action. President Obama was in the Middle East for four days and he talked about the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and he strongly endorses a Palestinian state. He urged the Israelis to give the pursue a two-state solution even as he promised to stand by Israel, assuring them in Hebrew that they were not alone. (This would count as an "Ich bin ein Berliner" moment, I assume.) He got on Benjamin Netanyahu's good side, and he also got Israel and Turkey to re-establish diplomatic relations with each other. They're talking again. But for all of Obama's re-assurances to Israel, the Palestinians felt left out. They were rather underwhelmed by the President's visit to the area. After all, he only talked about the peace process.
Meanwhile, people keep talking about gun legislation and whether or not it can pass the Senate, but no one is talking about it passing the House. Harry Reid doesn't want to talk about the assault weapons ban, and so he dropped it from the gun bill in the Senate. But Rand Paul is ready to talk again - for as long as he can - to prevent the Senate gun bill from being voted on.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is beginning to talk about the constitutionality of gay marriage. I don't want to talk about any of that. I'm all talked out right now.

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