Saturday, April 28, 2012

Timeline Deadline

I thought I'd been spared.  Although Facebook had made its new and complicated timeline feature mandatory for fan pages, it seemed like they would leave personal pages alone.  Then today, I got the mother of all surprises.  My profile page appears in the Timeline version.  Until next Saturday - May 5 - only I can see it; others will only see my old-fashioned profile page.   Then the Timeline becomes official on my page for all the world - or my Facebook friends, anyway - to see, unless I switch it early myself.
I guess I'd better get busy learning how to use my page, and how I can upload a cover photo to complement and serve as the backdrop for my profile photo.  One of my friends has a picture of Versailles; another friend uses a picture of Midtown Manhattan with the name of her cat superimposed on all the billboards.  Very creative.  Too bad I've never been to France (or anywhere else in Europe, for that matter), I don't know how to superimpose images on another image, and I don't have a cat.  maybe I'll use a picture of my car.  At least I have one of those. 
While I don't have to switch to Timeline before May 5, I probably will . . . just to get it over with. 

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