Thursday, October 20, 2011

Here and There

Some updates . . .
Yesterday I mentioned that Herman Cain's "9-9-9" plan - which he mentions so much while talking about the economy I feel like I'm listening to the White Album ("industrial output . . . financial imbalance . . . ") -  would cost middle-income taxpayers more.  How could an across-the-board tax do that? Because Cain's nine percent sales tax would mostly affect people who spend much of their money on food, clothing and shelter - middle-income and lower-income people.  While he would eliminate the payroll tax (causing a loss of $100 million in revenue) he would eliminate d the estate, gift and capital gains taxes (and cause and $800 million revenue loss ) that would benefit the wealthy.  The combined $900 million loss of revenue is the the "9" that Cain does not bring up.  
More breaking news - Muammar el-Qaddafi has reportedly been killed by Libyan revolutionaries.  No confirmation on this yet, as far as I know . . ..  

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