Monday, August 22, 2011

Perry Pops Off

No one can accuse Rick Perry of being a dark horse for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination after his first week on the campaign trail. In just one short week, he declared that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's idea of printing more money would be an act of treason, he insisted that global warming is made up by scientists, and he professed to a little boy in New Hampshire that Texas schools teaches creation science along with evolution to let students decide for themselves which is the right theory, and he trusts the lad will make the right choice. I guess we all know what that would be.
Oh yeah, creation science is not taught in Texas schools.
Perry might help the Republicans win the 2012 election, but not by winning the nomination. He could slow down Michele Bachmann's momentum and make Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman suddenly seem like reasonable choices.
(Breaking news: It looks like the Libyan Civil War is almost over, with Qaddafi on the verge of losing power. I'll have more to say about that later.)

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