Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Greatest President of All?

I give up. Barack Obama is too wimpy to be President of the United States. He caves in to Republicans, he lets himself get distracted by the deficit and the debt, and he lets the middle class get shafted. I say we need a new progressive ticket for 2012, and I feel that if we're going to have a black President with a foreign-sounding name, how about one who really is a Muslim? That's right, Muhammad Ali for President!

I want a President who knows how to throw a punch. And Ali is not only photogenic and charismatic, he's pretty!
Now, I kid, of course, but I think I've made my point. We need a President who not only can take a punch, we need someone who will sepak out for what's just and right and not back away from a fight.

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