Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Presidential Birthright

President Obama, after trying to ignore the clamor of accusations that he wasn't born in the United States, issued a photocopy of his birth certificate - the long form version - showing that he was indeed born in Hawaii on Friday, August 4, 1961. That should settle the whole darn "birther" controversy.
But it won't. For one thing, the White House released a photocopy. They would have to send the original to the National Archives and get an outside nonpartisan group to authenticate it. And that still might not be enough. Also, many people would remain convinced that the original must be a hoax. After all, they believe climate change is a hoax. And finally, admitting that Obama's birth certificate is legitimate would rob Tea Party Republicans of a powerful fundraising tool.
For his part, noted birther and potential presidential candidate Donald Trump, speaking in New Hampshire, says that he hopes the President's birth certificate checks out. Of course, he doesn't mean it. The issue has gotten him this far in the budding 2012 presidential race, and he's likely not about to let it go.
Exactly how much does Trump scare people? I have a friend who's threatening to leave the country if Trump runs for President. Not if he's elected. Just if he runs!
Even Sarah Palin hasn't had that kind of effect on people.
Other than me, of course. :-O

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