Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Parenthood" Issues

Last week's episode of "Parenthood" wasn't as intensely devoted to the prom night plot I described as I thought it would be, but it did leave some tantalizing clues as to where Maddie and Alex's relationship is going - clearly to a place Adam and Kristina (Maddie's parents) don't want it to go.
Crosby decided to buy a house - a cheap house that needs a lot of work - to convince Jasmine that he's serious about rebuilding a relationship with her and becoming a responsible family man. This latter point, of course, is contradicted by his impulsive purchase, and Jasmine and their son Jabbar were nowhere to be seen. Crosby is also growing a beard, a sign that he's in a downward spiral. (Asked what the period of the Beatles's breakup was like, Paul McCartney described it as being "crazy. Insane. Half the reason I grew the beard.")
Meanwhile, Sara is under pressure to turn her good play into a great one, even as she has to tend to her daughter Amber's mood swings and disappointment over failing to get accepted into any colleges despite her intelligence. The previews for tonight's episode show Amber acting out.
Oh yeah, she apparently gets into an appalling car crash.
This doesn't look good . . ..

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