Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Unawakening

Spring began at 7:21 PM yesterday, but the balmy weather that northern New Jersey had on Friday has since disappeared. Today we got enough snow to cover the ground (the roads are just wet), suggesting that spring is nowhere nearly around the corner. A mix of rain and snow is forecast for Wednesday despite temperatures expected to be above freezing. (The forecast low is 38; the forecast high, 41.) It's expected to get no warmer than the mid-to-upper 40s for the rest of the week.
It's always depressing when winter weather acts up at this time of year, but hey, that's March for you. It's a meteorologically temperamental month. One day it can be warm and sunny, the next day a blizzard dumps four feet of snow on you. I brought my bicycle in to the local bike shop for tuning for the riding season; I think I may have been premature in doing so.
I don't know how, if at all, the lunar cycle plays in the weather. But it's worth noting that the first full moon of spring - the Sunday after which is Easter - doesn't arrive for nearly a month. That's why Easter is on April 24 - the second latest day on which it can fall - this year.
Speaking of which, that was some supermoon Saturday night, wasn't it? :-)
Back with more later.

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