Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yes We Can! (Except For the Public Option!)

News leaked out last night that President Obama is going to tell his liberal base to "be good soldiers" and abandon the public medical insurance option to allow health care reform to pass. Aside from the fact that Americans will remain at the mercy of greedy (and merciless) health insurance companies without a public option and that health care reform without it will be no reform at all, Obama can't be serious when he asks Democrats to put up or shut up and fall in line. If Democrats did that, they'd be Republicans.
I will reserve judgment until I hear his speech Wednesday night. Maybe, though, just maybe, Obama let this news leak out to make his supporters and any Americans who support a public option (i.e. 77 percent of them) pressure him and the Democratic Congress to include it in the bill. Maybe, just maybe, Obama is scheming to get people angry and force this public option plan to became part of the final bill, which is what he really wants.
Nah. Democrats aren't that clever. :-O

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