Monday, June 22, 2009

Wrong Call

Have you ever wondered why progressive causes and policies a majority of Americans support - tougher environmental laws, more support for Amtrak, universal health coverage - never come to be? Perhaps this episode involving the Sierra Club explains it.
I got a call today from a Sierra Club asking me if I would support the American Clean Energy and Security Act, which is up for a vote in the House of Representatives, by speaking directly to someone in my congressman's office. The Sierra Club representative told me she could transfer me to my congressman's office, as they knew who my congressman was based on my telephone number exchange. It sounded like a good deal to me, so I said yes.
The next voice I heard on the phone answered, "Good morning, Congressman Bob Etheridge's office."
Bob Etheridge is not my congressman.
I didn't know what to do, so I feebly excused myself and hung up.
And people wonder why the left never gets anywhere.
Maybe I'm better off just clicking form letters to my congressional representatives through e-mail.

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