Friday, May 8, 2009

Mime Under New York

My British ladyfriend Therisa Barber, also known as the Ballerina Mime of Central Park, auditioned her living statue act on Tuesday for a spot in the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Music Under New York program, which allows street performers (mostly musicians) to perform in the subways with official sanctioning, at New York's Grand Central Terminal. Big deal, huh?
Well, it was a big deal. Therisa got her picture published in the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post's Web site, and she got interviewed on NY1. NY1 is the local cable news channel in New York City, but to leave it at that would be like calling the Vatican a neighborhood church in Rome - this channel only reaches eight million people or so!
Plus, she appeared in an Associated Press video story covering the event, which is at the end of this post.
The voice-over reporter suggested that Therisa - the only non-musician to audition for Music Under New York this year - had an advantage of having an "eccentric" act. Well, of course Therisa is eccentric - she's British!
Anyone who knows Britishers know that that's a good thing. :-)

1 comment:

Steve said...

Update: Therisa didn't pass the audition. WTF?