Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bitch Stepmom

If anyone dares to tell me that Madonna is a woman with a good heart for adopting another child, I will point them to this story and tell them to shut the hell up.
Seems Madge is back in Malawi trying to adopt a girl this time, but the girl's grandmother is not happy with the nonsinger/nonactress's plans. The girl's mother is dead, but her father might be alive and not even know the little girl is fine. Her grandmother refuses to give her up, calling Madge's heavy-handed tactics disgraceful.
The adoption may be in doubt, given the fact that many adoption activist groups are protesting the fact that Madge has circumvented Malawian law to adopt a child by not staying in the country long enough, and one adoption advocacy group deems it unseemly that she would bring a child into a broken home that has no father, while this girl's father, ironically, may still be alive.
It's a rare moment - Madge is actually being denied!
By the way, Madge let her adopted Malawian son see his biological father. The father was overjoyed to see his son; the boy asked who he was.
I'm long since past the point of exasperation with this overexposed hag, thinking she's entitled to whatever she wants and that the rules can be bent for her every whim. Meanwhile, even as she professes to be saving children, she's causing several family disruptions, including disruptions in her own. Since her divorce, her boys - excuse me, her boy and a Malawian boy torn away from his father - can't spend as much time with Guy Ritchie.
She's not in the same league as Angelina Jolie. She ain't even in the same league with the Octomom!
And yet people believe Madge is a secular saint. I heard one woman, having heard that Madge was going to yank another Malawian child from a biological elder, say of her, "Bless her heart."
Her heart? My foot!

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