Tuesday, June 17, 2008

They're Attacking Michelle???

Michelle, Ma Belle: You know the Republican party is reverting to form when they try to get to a Democratic candidate by going after the wife.
Michelle Obama has immediately come under attack for her critical comments about the United States, mainly for its "mean" policies and the fact that she was proud of her country for the first time as an adult when her husband began to win several primaries and caucuses. Criticizing a black woman was always going to be difficult for the Republicans, but Mrs. Obama has given them enough ammunition in the form of comments that suggest a tinge of anti-Americanism and could just as easily have come from a white man. People want a First Lady who reminds them of Angela Lansbury, and the GOP will use Mrs. Obama's comments to make her look like Angela Davis.
Except that it likely won't work. Mrs. Obama has criticized attitudes among Americans more than America itself, and a comment she allegedly made on tape at a conference supposedly sponsored by the Trinity United Church of Christ - you know, the church the Obamas just quit? - in which she referred to Caucasians as "whitey" never happened. There is no tape.
Barack Obama himself has already started a Web site to counter the rumors about Michelle, and he has issued a forceful request against the GOP (Greedy Old Patriarchs): "Lay off my wife." Jeez, if Michael Dukakis had spoken that passionately about his wife in his second presidential debate with George Bush in 1988, instead of failing to show emotion over her hypothetical rape and murder, history would have been very different.

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