Saturday, May 31, 2008

Political News: May 31, 2008

Barack Obama, tired of all the clerical (as in the religious kind) shenanigans at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, quit the congregation today. The Pflager affair proved to be the last straw for him. Hillary Clinton, of course, will criticize him for not having quit sooner.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party's rules committee, meeting in Washington has decided to seat the Florida and Michigan delegates at the convention, but to give them only half a vote each. If they'd only halved the number of delegates for violating the rules and holding their primaries before February 5 in the first place, like the Republicans did, this wouldn't have been necessary.
I caught part of the rules committee's meeting on MSNBC. It was like watching paint dry. The commentary was useful only if you dig David Gregory's sexy gray hair or Michelle Bernard's hot conservative bod. :-p

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