Friday, April 11, 2008

Planes, Trains And the Presidential Campaign

American Airlines's inability to meet this nation's admittedly lax aviation safety standards have led them to ground many of their planes and cancel their flights, leaving many to opt for taking a train - except that they couldn't find one. If there was ever a better argument for nationalizing the airlines and rebuilding Amtrak, this is it.
Meanwhile, John McCain has indicated that he would not approve of Barack Obama's alleged proposal to have the government cap the obscene salaries of corporate CEOs after Obama dared to call attention to the fact that many captains of what's left of industry make more money in a day than most people make in a year. McCain believes that stockholders should determine CEO salaries, not the federal government as Obama supposedly suggested. Obama should ignore McCain on the grounds that a) Obama never advocated such a policy, and b) he wasn't addressing McCain in the first place!
Hillary Clinton's makeup job makes her look like Monroe. Not Marilyn - James!
But at least she looks presidential. :-D

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