Friday, November 4, 2005

Troubles For Corzine

Just when the mudslinging between Jon Corzine and Douglas Forrester was getting more predictable and routine, I suddenly have a good reason to tune into the New Jersey gubernatorial election as the campaign nears the end. . . it's getting suddenly interesting!
Corzine's ex-wife went on record as saying that her ex-husband cheated on her and walked away from their marriage, and that he also made shady backroom deals and compromised his own principles to achieve political power. This is actually tame stuff when you think of other things that other politicians have done, but Forrester is taking advantage of it. After initially vowing not to capitalize on Mrs. Corzine's comments, he's now airing a TV ad based on the revelations, insinuating that if Jon Corzine couldn't be trusted by his then-wife, how can New Jersey trust him? The Corzine camp charges that Forrester has compromised his own integrity by promising not to exploit Mrs. Corzine's comments for political gain then going back on his word after noting his ten-point deficit in the polls.
Corzine, however, is on the defensive. People are less likely to vote for a conniving adulterer than a dirty campaigner. And Corzine is both!

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