Thursday, May 26, 2005

No Amnesty Here

Amnesty International recently compared the U.S. terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba - acidly - to a Soviet prison, and said it was unacceptable behavior. I agree; it's certainly unbecoming of the world's greatest democracy. Not to mention the United States!
The White House reiterated its usual spin, calling Amnesty International's charges ridiculous while insisting that they've done everything they can to maintain humane conditions without offering much in the way of specifics. Offering platitudes to human rights while playing lip service to it, of course, is nothing new for the Bush administration, or for the United States government in general, which has led the cause for freedom for years while denying it to many - in some cases to whole countries where Spanish happens to be spoken. I wouldn't trust a Democratic administration any more than this one.
On the other hand, John Bolton's nomination to be United Nations ambassador is being held up. It's a rare moment in Washington - U.S. senators blocking an appointment on principle.

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