Monday, May 9, 2005

Democrats Will Be Democrats

It's been about six months since Bush won his second term, and what a difference half a year makes. In the final days leading up to the election, you couldn't swing a dead possum without hitting a Democrat or liberal independent ready to take a swipe at Bush. Now look where all those figures are today; Howard Dean is running the Democratic National Committee without displaying a clue as to how to build up the party, John Kerry is just another senator trying (unsuccessfully, of course) to get his name in the papers, John Edwards is teaching law at an undistinguished college (not unlike the fate Theodore Roosevelt envisioned for himself when he was made a vice presidential candidate in 1900, and unlike Edwards, he was actually elected Vice President!), Hillary Rodham Clinton is actually trying to move to the center on social issues for a shot at a presidential nomination she doesn't have a prayer of getting, George Soros has kept a low profile, and Michael Moore has virtually dropped off the face of the planet. All while Bush is looking at abysmal approval ratings for his stands on judicial nominations and Social Security reform, as well as Iraq and the economy.
Now would be a good time for Democrats to go for the jugular. They've actually been doing a decent job of late opposing Bush, and they're in a good position to pull themselves out of their rut and strike back hard. So why do I think they're still going blow it? :-O

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