Monday, February 14, 2005

She Saw Paris, She Saw France . . .

So Condolezza Rice returned from her trip to Europe, where she managed to charm and appall the French at the same time! She insisted that Iran has a totalitarian government, despite the lack of evidence that Iran uses terror or toture against its citizens in the style of the old Soviet Union, thus demonstrating that as a foreign policy expert, she's one hell of a concert pianist.
On the other hand, the French did like her taste in clothes. :-D
Meanwhile, the Shiite slates won nearly 48 percent of the vote in Iraq's elections, allowing them the upper hand in forming a new government that might end up being, er, theocratic - like Iran. Some Middle East experts beleive that the other groups, including the Kurds, have enough leverage to ensure the drafting of a secular constitution, but I have my doubts. :-(

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