Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Bush's Uncle Bucky

We now know the Iraq War is not about oil. It's about making money off the companies that provide supplies to our troops! And one individual who made a nice profit of $450,000 off his affiliation with a company that does just that has a familiar last name - BUSH!!
George W. Bush's uncle, William H.T. Bush, a St. Louis businessman, owned stock options in Engineered Support Systems, Incorporated (ESSI), an armor supplier for troops in Iraq. Seems the Prez's Uncle Bucky - yes, Bucky is his nickname (hey, his brother, the former President, is nicknamed Poppy!) - exercised options on 8,438 shares of company stock, clearing nearly half a million dollars. He joined the board of the company in March 2000, when his nephew was running for President.
William Bush denies using family connections to get ESSI to win contracts, pointing out that some Democrats are also on their board, and he insists he never talks to anyone in Washington. He didn't have to, of course. To those who think Dub the Shrub never knows what he's doing. . . . Oh yes, he does!

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