Saturday, January 8, 2005

The Winter Of a Writer's Discontent

Good news, bad news - isn't that always the case?
Another one of my writing projects has bitten the dust. I'd been trying for ages to land an interview with a well-known performance artist for a profile article, but she finally decided that she was too busy to give "on spec" interviews without a definite promise for publication (which I could never provide). She wished me well, and so it's back to the drawing board. Who was it, you ask? Er, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
On the other hand, I still hope to write about this jazz radio DJ I've mentioned, and I have that article on Claire Elizabeth Barratt, which I've just finished a second draft of - now I'd like to read it to my writer's group, if I can find the time between my job search and other personal business to attend a meeting.
I haven't had anything published since March. Something's gotta give soon. :-O

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