Sunday, January 23, 2005

My Bill O'Reilly Impersonation

To those ready to chide me because I didn't expect this snowstorm to be a blizzard:
Shut up! Shut up!! Shut up!!! Just SHUT THE @##!! UP!!!
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, the snow wasn't as hard to shovel as I thought. I was even able to get my car out and go to the grocery store.
By the way, a blizzard is officially defined as a snowstorm with visibility of a quarter mile or less with high winds for at least three consecutive hours. Snowfall amounts have nothing to do with it. So I didn't have to shovel thirty inches of snow; it was more like ten.
So if you were going to keep making fun of me, well, just . . . uhh, do you want me to do my Bill O'Reilly impersonation again? :-p

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