Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Iran Amok

I got an e-mail from a peace group urging me to oppose war in Iran. Iran? I did a double take. It had to be a typographical error - an "n" where a "q" should have been.
It was, alas, no mistake. The Bush administration is looking to expand the Iraq War into neighboring Iran. They've been sending secret agents into the country to check possible military targets - mainly nuclear facilities - and they've been feigning neutrality in Iran's talks with the European Union over nuclear issues while working to undermine the talks to set up the ayatollahs in Tehran as the next major threat to American "national security" (read oil supply). You can read all about it in an article in the latest issue of the New Yorker by journalist Seymour Hersh, who has sugested that the war might be expanded into Iran by summer.
Such an act would bring death an destruction to a nation with 67 million people, endanger American national security, embolden terrorists, and make "You And Me Against the World" a much more appropriate choice for our national anthem than it already is.
Any time Wesley Clark wants to stage a coup d'etat in Washington, it's all right by me. :-O

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