Friday, December 24, 2004

Why is Kerry Still Campaigning?

John Kerry's campaign, apparently, is still sending e-mails. I got one yesterday thanking me for my support (hey, all I did was vote for him) and about the battles ahead against the Republicans in Washington.
Oh yeah, Kerry also plans to go Iraq next month.
Now he tells us? Gee whizbangers, if Kerry had told has he would go Iraq as President during the campaign, in the style of Ike promising to go to Korea, he'd have won! Now he gets to go as just another U.S. senator - with much less heat than he had a year ago.
It's quite sad, really, to see a losing presidential candidate whose only qualification for his party's nomination was that he could beat Bush go around thinking he has a national constituency. My suggestion that Kerry could win the Presidency four years hence is looking pretty silly now. :-(

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