Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Take Off, Hoser!

George W. Bush made an official trip to Canada to thank crack jokes about the serious trade dispute between Canada and the U.S., affirm a new, warm friendship with Paul Martin, Canada's relatively new prime minister, and get heckled by Canadians against the war in Iraq. Noting the overwhelming number of folks in the Great White North opposed to his foreign policy, Bush pointed out that we had an election in the United States in which a majority of Americans approved of his foreign policy continuing for another four years. Swell - now Bush is trying to deflect blame for Iraq to the rest of us Yanks? Well, he's never acknowledged making a mistake before, so why should he start now?
Paul Martin noted World AIDS Day today by wearing a red ribbon pin on his lapel, while Bush continued to wear his stupid American flag pin. Apparently showing off his nationalism trumped showing sympathy for AIDS victims. Where's this compassionate conservatism he used to talk about? 
Also, Bush thanked Canadians for putting up stranded American travelers when planes headed for the United States were diverted north on September 11, 2001. Sure took him long enough
Many commentators in the media have been looking at the strained relations between the United States and Canada, as well as the differences between the two countries. Because the U.S. and Canada are alike in so many ways, what really does distinguish one country for the other? Simple. One is a democratic, tolerant nation that offers a better life to its people and its immigrants and responds to their concerns. The other just re-elected George W. Bush as its President!
(By the way, isn't it ironic that, after a month of Bush-hating Americans threatening to move to Canada, one of the first Americans after the election to go to Canada is. . . George W. Bush??)

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